Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Increased Residential and Business Taxes

First thank you for all the comments regarding Peter Ladner.

I was not surprised but am disappointed by Mr. Ladner's response.

Since both he and Mayor Sullivan have publicly stated that the average residential increase will be $300.00 over 5 years and in excess of $3,000.00 for businesses I would have assumed that the process of formulating that data would be publicly accessible too.

If the costs had not already been released both in a Mayor's communique and in Sept 7th's Vancouver Sun then I would understand Mr. Ladner's reply.

Apparently during a strike information from Vancouver City Hall is neither free nor accessible to all.


Anonymous said...

Ladner might not have responded because of the blackout.

Anonymous said...

You could make a Freedom of Information request.

Anonymous said...

heard a rumour: CUPE 15's first day back at work will be Sept. 24