Monday, October 15, 2007

Jurassic Park Board Dinosaur Meeting Oct 23rd

Letter from Park Commissioner Spencer Herbert.

Hi there,

I am writing to you today as I've just been alerted that the proposal to put 25 to 30 large robotic dinosaurs into Stanley Park will be debated by the Park Board earlier than expected. The "Dinosaur Experience" will be discussed at the Planning Committee on Tuesday October 23rd. The Planning Committee will be recommending whether or not this proposal should continue to the full board for approval.
Articles with more detail can be found here:

I think it is vital that the public let the Planning Committee, and Park Board know what they feel about a Jurassic Stanley Park.

The meeting is at 7PM on Tuesday October 23rd and will be held at 2099 Beach Avenue in the west end of Vancouver. To address the committee you need to sign up by Monday the 22nd at 12 noon which you can do by phoning 604-257-8451, or emailing If you are unable to come to speak it is vital that you email the board your thoughts. An email can be directed to,,,,,,

If you are as concerned about this proposal as I am, and don't believe robotic dinosaurs are the right fit for Stanley Park please forward this message to your contacts, and urge them to let the Park Board know what they think.

I hope to hear from you soon,

Spencer Herbert
Park Commissioner
Vancouver Board of Parks and Recreation

Jurassic Park Board - 01

  • Request for Proposals / Dinosaur Alternatives
  • Park Board Management's Jurassic Treatment of Community Centres
Jurassic Park Board - 02
  • The Rationale
  • Pete McMartin's story tracing genesis of Jurassic exhibit proposal.
Jurassic Park Board - 03
  • Dinosaurs Unearthed - website
  • Toronto Zoo Exhibit Video

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